
I Make a Video Every Day

→ Minute Movies
Minute Movies at Millennium Film Workshop
Tending to the Archive Workshop

Ongoing Forever Projects
They have a name for girls like me. film
→ They have a name for girls like me. flat films
Video + Film + Art I  Made Recently

1000 Waters suite of videos
Portland Diary Summit community event
“Blank Cassette” music video
→  Artist on Artist: Julie Perini on On Kawara talk
→  We Do wedding art show
Anti-Authoritarian Media for the Community

→  It Did Happen Here: An Antifascist People’s History
→  It Did Happen Here
→  The Gentleman Bank Robber: The Life Story of Butch Lesbian Freedom Fighter rita bo brown
→   Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, Oregon
Psychedelic Video + Film I Made During COVID

→  Bingo Cheetah
→  Music videos for Grand Style Orchestra
→  Alley Bath: Spring
→  Alley Bath: Fall
Video + Film + Art I Made Not Long Ago
→  The Hills Are Alive flat film
→  Portland Summer 2017 flat film
Video + Film + Art I Made Awhile Ago
→  BIG FILM installation
→  and much more!


Format: digital video

Duration: 38 minutes & 44 seconds and growing

Year: 2007 - ongoing

I began They have a name for girls like me. in 2006 when I lived in Buffalo, New York. I had long loved the film Valley Girl and wanted to make a video with it, since the main character was named Julie, like me. Another film I loved at the time, Chantal Akerman’s Je Tu Il Elle, also starred a Julie character. Some quick research brought to my attention the 1956 film Julie, starring Doris Day, and the 1975 Bollywood film Julie. I edited all four films down to just the parts where someone utters the word “Julie,” creating an exhausting repetition of the word.

I continued to research Julie films and I discovered an array of typical and also atypical female roles in global cinema: wanton women, slutty teens, rebellious housewives, and more. For the next decade, whenever I screened the video at a festival or gallery, I cut and added another Julie film. In 2016, I decided to do a big push. I tracked down as many films as I could find that had a main character named Julie. The result is the most recent 2017 edit, containing thirty-five films total from around the world and throughout cinema history. It’s been an emotional journey: some films ignite my fury against hetero-patriarchy and white supremacy, while other make me fall in love with the movies all over again. It’s been a delight to destroy certain Julie films and a joy to spend time with other Julie films that teach me about humanity and imagination.
Julie Perini is an artist and filmmaker.