June 19
I created this video for the Grand Style Orchestra remote recording of the song, “Say Their Names.”June 8
Bingo CheetahI created this video for an online exhibition and auction coordinated by Uncomfortable Club. Gino Kline, the organizer, gave each participant a BINGO card. At first I cut mine up and tried to decay it in a jar of kimchi and over a week or so, not much happened. So instead I plieced the card back together and created this video.
June 8
Active Dog + Sleepy Dog, 16” x 20” photographic print, 2020
Artist Emily Fitzgerald invited several artists to create photographs for elders who are even more isolated than usual during the COVID-19 pandemic. She interviewed the elders and paired them with younger artists to create a photograph for them as a gift. I read Emily’s interview with the delightful 92 year-old Gloria who said she loves dogs, so here you go Gloria!